Let’s talk about WALLS today. The news lately is dominated by building walls. Yeah! “Trump Wall just got 10 feet taller”. It’s interesting to know that One continent that takes Walls or Border Security seriously is Europe, especially UK. That notwithstanding, almost every street has got CCTV to instill confidence in the British people that their country is well guarded, either at the borders or within the country.

photo credit: http://www.123rf.com

Narrowing this down to our personal lives, WALLS are set of values, principles, beliefs, etc that guard and guide (or direct) our thoughts and actions. Self Control is centered around building and maintaining these walls. It’s important because the enemy can easily slip through when we compromise.

  • Why do you need WALLS?

2 Chronicles 32 has interesting story about Hezekiah. When he realized that King of Assyria had plans to attack Jerusalem, he quickly repaired all broken sections of the wall, and constructed a second outside the first. He also increased his weaponry and made sure the city was well guarded. After these, he said to the people; “Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid or discourage because of the king of Assyria or his mighty army, for there is a power far greater on our side! He may have a great army, but they are merely men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!…” (v7-8, NLT) emphasis added.

Notice Hezekiah knew God was on their side, and He would help and fight their battles for them. However, that didn’t stop him from guarding the city. God expects us to do same. That is He is on our side, to help and fight for us but we’ve got to keep our walls intact.

God didn’t send angels to build the walls. He only came in when they were ready and had called on Him for help.

Your enemies can’t attack your life when your WALLS are built on Jesus Christ, our STRONG foundation. They may try to attack but God’s angels await to destroy them. However, when part of your walls are broken or you have no walls at all, you become vulnerable. Anybody can attack, steal, kill, and destroy.


Often people are quick to criticize when WALLS are mentioned. They say BRIDGE connects. That’s so true but where would a bridge connect to your life? There has to be a secured entry point where the bridge would connect. By this you can filter what comes in with the help of God’s word and His Spirit.

  • Do you have broken or no walls?

The risk is high because the thief cometh. When you have compromised or no values, principles, or belief that guard your life, here are some of the dangers:

  • You will find it difficult to manage your key resources like Time, Money, and Energy.
  • You will have no requirement(s) for existing relationships and choosing new ones. Remember that some people are mere distraction.
  • You will have no specific standard(s) for dealing with challenges.
  • The enemy can blow you around like Chaff.
  • Anything at all can steal your Joy and Happiness.
Be on Guard; WATCH

In this year, let’s work hard to build and maintain our walls to ensure that our fields are well guarded. We can’t afford to let the enemy steal God’s precious blessings for our lives. Guard your Field.

One response to “Secure Your Borders”

  1. God bless you Sir


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