For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

(John 3:16, NLT)

In order to draw man to Himself, God gave Jesus Christ. He was the Big Sacrifice to redeem us and to set us apart.

Jesus did not look at His status but gave up all. With such humility, God elevated Him to the Highest place of Authority.

You should think about things in the same way that Christ Jesus thought: Christ had the same nature as God. He was completely equal with God.
But he did not try to keep hold of that. Instead, he chose to leave heaven.
He took for himself the nature of a slave. He became like a human.
And when he lived as a man, he made himself even less important.
He obeyed God completely, so that he died. He even died on a cross!
Because of that, God then raised Jesus Christ to the most important place.
God gave him the name that is greater than every other name. As a result, when people hear Jesus’ name, they must worship him. Everyone will have to go down on their knees in front of him.
That includes everything that is in heaven,
everything on the earth and everything under the earth. Everyone will have to agree that Jesus Christ is Lord. When they say that aloud, they will show that God the Father is very great

(Philippians 2:5-11, EASY)
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Jesus knew the Cost yet He was determined to Carry the Cross so that you and I can sing Amazing Grace. He looked into the future with Love and Joy as he took one step ahead of the other into His death. He saw You and I spending eternity with Him. He loved us enough to go through the humiliation, pain, rejection, etc.

Today, we talk about Jesus being the big sacrifice but let me ask you, what sacrifice have you made for this Jesus? How are you living your life?

As we run, we must always look towards Jesus. He is the one who trusted God completely. Our faith starts with him, and he will help us to trust God all the way to the end. Jesus accepted punishment on the cross. He chose to receive much pain. He did not think about being ashamed to die like that. He knew that God had prepared something very good for him that would make him happy. Now he has sat down at the right side of God to rule with him in heaven.

(Hebrews 12: 2, EASY)

Your Sacrifice is your symbol of Humility and God will exalt you for whatever you (have) give(n) up for Him.

My Christian friends, God has been very kind to us. Because of that, I really want you to serve God with your whole life. Offer your bodies to him like a sacrifice that continues to live. Serve him with everything that you have and that will please him. That is the true way to worship God

(Romans 12:1, EASY)

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